The Zen Turtle  
You may be thinking, “Why make a turtle sculpture out of steel?” To which I would respond, "Why not?!" Going into this project, I wanted to grow my metal working skillset. This was unfamiliar territory for me, so I desired to learn more.

Because I have never done something like this before, I thought a relatively simple subject would be beneficial. My initial concept was for a frog. However once I starting designing it, I realized it would be too complicated. So I changed ideas and decided to make a turtle!  

This turtle has the same function as I do, sit still and look pretty!  Creating the Zen Turtle was a useful learning experience. I had to think on the fly and change strategies when my initial ideas did not work out. I tried something I was not comfortable at and learned new skills. Now I am confident in my metal working abilities! Overall, The Zen Turtle was a success!
These are the concept sketches for The Zen Turtle. I used basic shapes to create the form for the turtle. The turtle is about 7" long, 5" wide, and 4" tall.
On the left is the Fusion file I made for the turtle shell. All the pieces were designed to be simple and geometric, giving less room for error on my part. On the right are the parts of steel I cut out from a Plasma Cutter and polished using an Angle Grinder with a Wire Wheel Brush attachment.   
I utilized the Sheet Metal Brake to fold the four sides, and then I used a Hammer and Vise to bend the four angle pieces. The folds were able to contain themselves, so no welding for the shell was necessary. 
Operating a Spot Welder, I attached a connector piece of steel to the turtle's head. I then bent the connector to the angle of the shell and then welded that piece on. Finally, I spot welded the four legs directly onto the shell. After combining everything together, The Zen Turtle was born! 

May The Zen Turtle help you slow down and find peace in our chaotic world!
The Zen Turtle

The Zen Turtle
